
Bishop Timothy A. McDonnell
Bishop Thomas L. Dupre (1995-2004)
Bishop John A. Marshall (1991-1994)
Bishop Joseph F. Maguire (1977-1991)
Bishop Christopher J. Weldon (1950-1977)
Below we provide our list
of the 55 known accused clerics who worked in Springfield diocesan
parishes and schools, or resided in the diocese, with dozens of
links to essential information about them. As we know from the diocese's
own counts, there are accused priests whose names are not known.
In February 2004, a report by Bishop Dupre counted (but did not
name) just 22 “credibly
accused” priests (see three news accounts 1
of that report). But in May 2005, the diocese reported new
cumulative totals of 117 “credible” victims and
42 clergy “with credible
accusations” (33 diocesan priests, 8 religious order
priests, and 1 deacon) from 1950 through 2004. The accused priests
were again not named. Then in October 2006, the diocese stated in
a court
filing (see page 2) that it had settled or was still responding
to 108 claims of sexual abuse against “approximately 60
individuals identified as alleged abusers.”
The diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, which comprises the
western part of the state, has a troubling history of sexual abuse
by priests, and the resignation in 2004 of Bishop Thomas L. Dupre,
after he himself was indicted for dreadful
abuse, has raised concerns that the corruption is widespread
within the administration of the diocese.
Accused priests were allegedly abusing children during the administrations
of Bishop Christopher J. Weldon and Bishop Joseph F. Maguire, and
the 1972 murder of altar boy Danny Croteau during Weldon's tenure
is the subject of an active investigation. One suspect in that murder
is former priest and convicted sex offender Richard R. Lavigne,
who was paid a diocesan stipend into the administration of the current
bishop, Timothy A. McDonnell.
Credit for McDonnell's tougher treatment of Lavigne goes to Rev.
James Scahill and the staff and parishioners at St. Michael's in
East Longmeadow. Scahill drew renewed attention to the case by witholding
his parish's cathedraticum, the parish's required payment to its
diocese, until Lavigne's subsidy was ended.
Also significant in Springfield are indications from Scahill and
others that diocesan documents pertaining to sexual abuse by priests
might have been destroyed. This possibility, and certain circumstances
surrounding the Lavigne case, also sugggest that offending priests
might have worked in a network, with ties to diocesan administration
and to priests in other dioceses.
That possibility and the indictment of Bishop Dupre himself call
into question the results of Dupre's 2004 report
on sexual abuse by priests in the diocese of Springfield.
For the Croteau case, see especially Danny's
Story | Death of an Altar Boy: A Priest, a Boy, a Mystery, by
Kevin Cullen (December 14, 2003).
For some of the other accused priests in the diocese, see in particular
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004).
For the story of Bishop Dupre's resignation, see For
Dupre, the Pressure Was Too Much, by Bill Zajac (March 28, 2004) |
Then we offer 300
pages of documents from the Danny Croteau murder investigation, including
50 pages of accounts by alleged victims of Richard R. Lavigne. Harrowing
and essential reading. We also provide links
to Web sites that are useful sources of information, including The
Republican - the indispensable source on the crisis in western Massachusetts.
On a separate page we provide an updated version of our News
and Views feature – easy links to important news and commentary
on the sexual abuse crisis in the diocese. We will continue to build assignment
records of accused priests and we'll add the the News and Views feature
too. Please email
us with suggestions, criticisms, photos of priests, or documents that
we should post.
See also the very useful List
of Accused Clergy, by Robert M. Kelly, Western Massachusetts Catholics
(August 30, 2009).
1 |
Richard J., C.S.S.

- Born 4/12/27
- Ordained 6/12/54
- Director of the retreat house at the Stigmatine's
provincial house in Waltham
- St. Ann's in West Springfield MA (parochial
- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in White Plains
NY (parochial vicar) [New York archdiocese]
- Our Lady of Angels in Woodbridge VA
(parochial vicar) [Richmond diocese]
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Pittsfield
MA (parochial vicar) [Springfield MA diocese]
- Sacred Family in Lynn MA [Boston archdiocese]
- Sacred Heart in Feeding Hills MA [Springfield
MA diocese]
- Procurator of the Stigmatine Missions.
- Died 2/1/01 |
Six men have come forward
alleging they were abused as boys by Ahern or fellow Stigmatine Joseph
E. Flood (see below) . One of the victims alleges he was age 14 when
Ahern masturbated him. Alleged abuse occurred in Springfield, where
the Stigmatines had a provincial residence, and Agawam, where St.
Anthony's was a mission of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a Stigmatine
parish in Springfield.
- Biography
from Stigmatine Web site (after February 1, 2001)
- Abuse
Alleged at Wellesley Seminary, by Matt Carroll (August 10, 2002) |
2 |
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
At least one claim included in Diocese's
11/08 $4.5M settlement. Deceased per 2008 Diocese of Springfield Directory
- Stobierski
Press Release (December 3, 2008) |
3 |
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Ordained 1945.
- Administrator of St. Michael's Cathedral.
- Ecclesiastical secretary to Bishop Weldon (1951-61) |
Berthiaume is accused of abuse by William
E. Burnett, who says he was molested by his uncle Msgr. Raymond J.
Page, and that Page introduced him to other abusive priests and two
bishops in the Springfield and Worcester dioceses (Weldon and Harrington
respectively). Burnett is said to have passed two polygraph tests
on his allegations, which were investigated by the Worcester diocese
"several years ago" and deemed not credible. The Springfield
diocese says nothing in its files corroborate the allegations. Burnett
is currently in a Texas prison for an unrelated murder.
- Murderer
Alleges Clergy Sex Abuse, by Bill Zajac (March 31, 2005)
- Inmate
Files Lawsuit against Two Dioceses, by Sharon Roulier and Father
Bill Pomerleau (March 31, 2005) |
4 |

- Ordained 1966.
- St. John the Evangelist in Agawam (1966-72)
- St. Patrick's in South Hadley (1972-77)
- Leave of Absence (1977-78) |
Woman told diocese in 1993 that she sought
counseling from Blanchard in 1971 at age 15. He was 30; there was
a four-year "relationship" with her. He left priesthood
in 1977, was laicized 6/80 & married. In 1993 the woman, the diocese
and Blanchard settled. He agreed to stay away from people under 18.
In 2009 she learned he was working as volunteer "social worker/
spiritual care coordinator" for diocese resource group &
complained. It took diocese a year to finally remove him.
- Victim
Remembers Rules, by Kevin Cullen, Boston Globe (June 6, 2010)
- Catholic
Diocese of Springfield Investigating How Albert Blanchard, Who Left
Priesthood Following Child-Sex Charges, Became Youth Religion Teacher,
by Stephanie Barry, The Republican (June 10, 2010) |
5 |
John J.

A woman has accused Bonzagni of touching
her sexually on three occasions during confirmation preparations when
she was age 16. In one of those incidents, Bonzagni allegedly hugged
the girl after confession while they said the Lord's Prayer. The girl
rebuffed the priest each time. The case was settled by the diocese
in 8/04, but Bonzagni denies the charge, and the diocesan Review Board
cleared him in 11/04, deeming the accusation "unsubstantiated."
The complainant stands by her account. As a canon lawyer, Bonzagni
has worked on the diocesan marriage tribunal, and he was recently
named the diocese's judicial vicar – the chief canon lawyer.
- New
Lawsuit Targets Priest Who Served at Lee Church, in Associated
Press (September 24, 2003)
- Accused
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004)
- Diocese
Review Board Clears Priest of Sex Charge, in Associated Press
(November 12, 2004) |
6 |
Paul T.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Ordained 1955. |
Boudreau was one of 18 priests included
in an 8/5/04 settlement that revealed for the first time that he was
accused of abuse. Boudreau denies the allegation.
- 18
Priests Named in Settlement, by Bill Zajac (August 17, 2004) |
7 |
Andre A.

- Ordained in 1961 in Palmer MA by
Bishop Vincent S. Waters of Raleigh.
- Our Lady of Guadalupe in Newton Grove
NC in Raleigh diocese (assistant 1961-62)
- St. Mary's mission in Mount Olive
NC (assistant 1961-62)
- Sacred Heart mission in Goldsboro
NC (assistant 1961-62)
- Sick Leave in Raleigh diocese (1962-64)
- Holy Family in Springfield MA in
the Springfield diocese; Corbin is not listed here in the Directory,
but he is accused of abusing a boy at Holy Family at approximately
this time (1962 or 1963); pastor was Rev. John R. Rooney, and the
bishops were Waters and Weldon
- St. Lawrence in Asheville NC in Raleigh
diocese; pastor was officialis and dean Msgr. George E. Lynch (associate
- St. Barnabas mission in Arden NC
(associate 1964-66)
- St. Genevieve-of-the-Pines Elementary School,
Gibbons Hall for boys (director of Holy Week play, April
1966) Corbin pled guilty on 1/30/89 to felonious taking indecent
liberties with a minor during production of the play
- Sacred Heart in Brevard in Raleigh
diocese (pastor 1966-67)
- Our Lady of the Mountains mission
in Highlands (pastor 1966-67)
- Our Lady of Fatima in Winston-Salem
NC in Raleigh diocese (pastor 1967-69)
- Bishop McGuinness Memorial High School
in Winston-Salem NC in Raleigh diocese (Co-ordinator 1969-70) school
had 221 students
- On Leave in Raleigh (1970-72) and
Charlotte (1972-93) dioceses
- Community college on Cape Cod in MA (psychology teacher, early
- Charlotte diocese reportedly stripped Corbin of priestly faculties
in 1988, banned him from presenting himself publicly as a priest,
and notified the Springfield diocese
- St. Luke Institute in Suitland MD
(patient 1988-89)
- Pled guilty in Buncombe NC County Superior Court on 1/30/89 to
felonious taking indecent liberties with a minor during production
of a Holy Week play in Asheville (see above)
- Not indexed in 1994 and subsequent Directories
Corbin is alleged to have abused an 8-year-old
boy from Holy Name parish in Springfield. The priest's technique (arranging
for the boy to play the part of Christ in a school pagent) was similar
to one he used later in North Carolina, where Corbin pled guilty in
1989 to a sex offense and was sentenced to 5 years in jail, of which
he served 60 days. Corbin was ordained in Palmer but incardinated
in Raleigh and then Charlotte. The Springfield diocese denies any
responsibility for him, but the victim has a photo showing Corbin
saying Mass at Holy Name church. The Springfield diocese received
a letter from the Charlotte diocese in 1988, after Charlotte "stripped
Corbin of priestly faculties and banned him from presenting himself
publicly as a priest." Yet when the Springfield complainant came
forward, the Review Board thanked him "because they said Corbin
was then about to fill in for a vacationing priest in the Berkshires."
Fill-in positions appear to be part of Corbin's MO, and the Charlotte
diocese states that he "had not served in the Charlotte diocese
since 1972, but could not account for his whereabouts since then."
- Judgment
Suspending Sentence and Commitment on Special Probation (January
30, 1989) [victim's name redacted by BA.org]
- Priest
Admits Sex Crime, by Paul Clark, Asheville Citizen-Times (January
31, 1989)
- Retiree
Files Suit against Diocese, by Bill Zajac (December 26, 2003)
- Alleged
Victim Tried to Protect Others, by Bill Zajac (October 11, 2004) |
8 |
Cote, Aaron
J., O.P.

- Ordained in 1986 |
Eighteen-year-old boy filed suit 11/05
alleging abuse in 2001-02 when the youth attended Mother Seton Church
in Germantown MD. Suit said abuse occurred in both MD and DC. Cote
placed on leave. Was reported to Archdiocese in 2003 but it just transferred
him to RI. Also alleged to have abused 2nd youth in OH in 1980s. Case
settled 8/07 for $1.2M paid by Order. Also worked in Springfield MA.
Woman filed suit 4/08 alleging abuse of her children. First criminal
charges filed on 7/08. Found guilty 7/09. Received 10 years probation
on 11/09
- Springfield
Area Woman Alleges Priest Abused Her Two Young Sons, by Stephanie
Barry, The Republican (April 9, 2008)
- Former
Western Mass. Priest Aaron Cote Found Guilty of Sexually Abusing Altar
Boy in Maryland, by Patrick Johnson, The Republican (November
24, 2009) |
9 |
Desilets, Donald A.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Ordained 1952
- Assumption in Chicopee
- St. Thomas Aquinas in Springfield (1971-72)
- St. Louis de France in West Springfield
- Precious Blood in Holyoke (1975-)
- Grand Seminary in Montreal
- St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (-10/93)
- Died 4/28/01 |
Desilets was accused by two men of molesting
them in the 1970s when they were boys at Precious Blood parish in
Holyoke. As the Misconduct Commission recommended, Desilets was sent
to the Institute of Living for evaluation in the summer of 1993, and
then was sent back to Canada with restrictions, implemented by the
Grand Seminary in Montreal.
- Allegations
Lead to Priest's Retirement, by Beatrice O'Quinn (December 23,
- Catholics
Protest near Law's Residence, Demand Resignation, by Ron DePasquale
(February 17, 2002) |
10 |
Paul M., CSV

- Ordained 1963 in Springfield
- Worked at Precious Blood church in Holyoke and as Mercy Hospital
chaplain in 1969. |
Accused of molesting at least 20 altar
boys between 1974 and 1984 in Massachusetts. Moved to Canada in 1984
and became a Canadian citizen. Indicted in 2002 for molesting 18 additional
boys 1978-1984. Finally extradited from Canada, pled guilty, and was
sentenced in 2005 to up to 18 months in prison Also probation. Has
asked judge to excuse him from sex offender treatment because of his
advanced age (82) and poor health. Allowed to return to Canada to
serve probation.
- List
of Accused Clergy, by Robert M. Kelly, Western Massachusetts Catholics
(August 30, 2009) |
11 |
Devlin, Michael H.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Priests
Accused in Suits, by Bill Zajac (January 7, 2005)
- Ex-Williamstown
Priest Accused of Molesting Teen, in the Berkshire Eagle (December
31, 2004) |
12 |
Dodo, Andrew
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Priest
Accused of Misconduct, by Bill Zajac (June 2, 2004) |
13 |
Dion, Frederick
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
14 |
Doheny, Bernard L.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
Doheny is accused of abuse by William
E. Burnett, who says he was molested by his uncle Msgr. Raymond J.
Page, and that Page introduced him to other abusive priests and two
bishops in the Springfield and Worcester dioceses. Burnett is said
to have passed two polygraph tests on his allegations, which were
investigated by the Worcester diocese "several years ago"
and deemed not credible. The Springfield diocese says nothing in its
files corroborate the allegations. Burnett is currently in a Texas
prison for an unrelated murder.
- Murderer
Alleges Clergy Sex Abuse, by Bill Zajac (March 31, 2005)
- Inmate
Files Lawsuit against Two Dioceses, by Sharon Roulier and Father
Bill Pomerleau (March 31, 2005) |
15 |
Dranka, Eugene, M.S.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Worked at parishes in Westfield MA and
Bondsville MA as well as LaSallette settings in Texas and New Hampshire
- Died 1974 |
Two allegations of abuse by Dranka were
among the cases settled on 8/5/04. Dranka was a LaSalette order priest.
- 18
Priests Named in Settlement, by Bill Zajac (August 17, 2004) |
16 |
Dube, Donald V.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Born 1935
- Ordained 5/27/61
- St. Ann's in Fairview in 1961
- St. Joseph's in Springfield (assistant
- Sacred Heart in Northampton (assistant
- St. Rose de Lima in Aldenville (assistant
- St. George's in Chicopee (assistant
- St. Joseph's in Springfield (assistant
- Notre Dame in North Adams (pastor 1978-82)
- Campus Minister at North Adams State College
(chaplain 1978-82)
- Dean of Northern Berkshire Deanery (1981-1982)
- St. John the Baptist in Ludlow (pastor
- Notre Dame in Easthampton (pastor 1990-94)
- Member of the Diocesan Building Commission (1988-89) |
Dube was removed from ministry in 1994
after the Misconduct Commission reviewed allegations that the diocese
has not specified. After Dube died in late 2003 and received an admiring
obituary, a man came forward to allege abuse by Dube when he was pastor
of Notre Dame church in North Adams. The alleged victim was an altar
boy, age 8 to 10 at the time of the abuse.
- Catholics
Protest near Law's Residence, Demand Resignation, by Ron DePasquale
(February 17, 2002)
- Five
Priests Barred from Parish Work, in Associated Press (July 31,
- Obituary
for Donald V. Dube, in The [Springfield MA] Republican (December
18, 2003)
- Late
Berkshire Priest's Estate Sued, by Bill Zajac (May 5, 2004) |
17 |
Dupre, Thomas L.

- Born 11/10/33
- Ordained 5/23/59
- St. George's in Chicopee (assistant
- Catholic University of America (1964-67)
- St. Joseph's in Springfield (1966)
- Chancery Office (1967-69)
- Tribunal Office (1969-77)
- St. John the Baptist in Ludlow (1970-73)
- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Chicopee
- Chancellor of the diocese (1977-95)
- St. Louis de France in West Springfield
(pastor 1978-1990)
- Pro-synodal judge (1982-1990)
-Bishop's Commission for the Clergy (1983-86)
- Presbyteral Council member (1984-1994)
- Secretary for Canonical Affairs (1989-95)
- Vicar General (1989-95)
- St. Thomas Aquinas in Springfield (pastor
- Ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Springfield (May 31, 1990)
- Named administrator of the diocese (July 8, 1994)
- Named bishop of Springfield (March, 14, 1995) |
In February 2004 Dupre was accused
by two men of abusing them in the mid- to late 1970s. The abuse
allegedly incuded masturbation and oral sex. One of the victims,
a refugee who was abused from ages 12 to 16, was also digitally
penetrated. The other victim was abused from age 15 to 20. Trips
were taken out of state and to Canada, and abuse allegedly occurred
on these trips. Dupre allegedly used alcohol on his victims, involved
them in the purchase and use of pornography, and sometimes abused
them together. The abuse allegedly began when Dupre was in residence
at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin church in Chicopee and continued
when he became pastor of St. Louis de France church in West Springfield.
During the alleged abuse, Dupre became chancellor of the diocese.
Before he was named auxiliary bishop in 1990, he reportedly called
the victims to a meeting and said he would not accept the appointment
unless they promised to be silent about the abuse.
- Dupre
Accused of Abuse, by Bill Zajac (February 11, 2004)
- Bishop
Quits after Abuse Query, by Bill Zajac (February 12, 2004)
- Dupre
Accusers Tell Lurid Tale: Allege Ex-Bishop Introduced Them to Gay
Sex, Porn, by Bea O'Quinn Dewberry (February 20, 2004)
- Accused
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004)
- Dupre
Named in Civil Lawsuit, by Bill Zajac (March 12, 2004)
- For
Dupre, the Pressure Was Too Much, by Bill Zajac (March 28, 2004)
- Grand
Jury Indicts Dupre, by Bill Zajac (September 28, 2004)
- History
of Former Bishop Thomas L. Dupre, in the [Springfield MA] Republican
(September 28, 2004) |
18 |
David M.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
19 |
Flood, Joseph E., C.S.S.

- Born 4/17/16
- Ordained 6/11/49
- Holy Family in Lynn MA
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel in White Plains
- Sacred Heart in Milford MA
- All Saints in Manassas VA
- Sacred Heart in Feeding Hills MA
- Thailand (missionary 1953-62)
- Retreat House at Stigmatine provincial house
in Waltham MA (director)
- Retired in 1993 to Bertoni Hall in Waltham
- Died 10/31/96 |
Six men have come forward alleging they
were abused as boys by Flood or fellow Stigmatine Richard J. Ahern
(see above) . Alleged abuse occurred in Springfield, where the Stigmatines
had a provincial residence, and Agawam, where St. Anthony's was a
mission of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a Stigmatine parish in Springfield.
- Biography
from Stigmatine Web site (after October 31, 1996)
- Abuse
Alleged at Wellesley Seminary, by Matt Carroll (August 10, 2002) |
20 |
Forand, Clarence W.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- St. Anne's
in Turners Falls (pastor)
- Retired in 1993, after allegation is found credible by the Misconduct
- St. Anthony of Padua in North Adams
(administrator, 1994)
- St. Mary's in Palmer (fill-in priest)
- St. George's in Chicopee (fill-in priest) |
Forand is accused of molesting a boy at
St. Anne's in Turners Falls up to a thousand times, when the boy was
between the ages of 9 and 17. In 1993 the Misconduct Commission found
these allegations to be credible, but Forand was allowed to retire
without restriction. He filled in at St. Mary's in Palmer and St.
George's in Chicopee, and was briefly administrator of St. Anthony
of Padua North Adams in 1994. He even served briefly as administrator
of St. Anthony of Padua in North Adams in 1994. After the Dallas Charter,
Forand continued to celebrate Mass until 10/02, when illness prevented
him. The Turners Falls victim was included in the 8/4/04 settlement.
- Diocese
Inaction Faulted, by Bill Zajac (July 6, 2004)
- 18
Priests Named in Settlement, by Bill Zajac (August 17, 2004) |
21 |
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
Civil suit filed in 3/05 alleges plaintiff
was abused by Gatineau for about one year. Suit said Gatineau also
saw plaintiff abused by another priest and did nothing. Same suit
alleges that plaintiff was abused by his uncle (Msgr. Page), other
priests, and two bishops. Plaintiff was in a Texas prison for an unrelated
murder when suit filed. Worcester diocese said allegations not credible.
Died in 1964.
- Lawsuit (March 29, 2005)
- Murderer
Alleges Clergy Sex Abuse, by Bill Zajac (March 31, 2005)
- Inmate
Files Lawsuit against Two Dioceses, by Sharon Roulier and Father
Bill Pomerleau (March 31, 2005) |
22 |
Gauthier, Brother Lawrence,
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
Gauthier, a Sacred Heart brother who was
caretaker of the order's Immaculate Heart of Mary minor seminary (which
closed in 1979-80), has been accused by a man who was allegedly abused
about 100 times by Gauthier in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when
the boy was ages 9 to 12. The alleged victim estimates that 7 to 10
boys were abused by Gauthier during this period. Gauthier would allegedly
force the boys to have anal sexual relations with each other.
- Diocese
Sued in Sex Case, by Bill Zajac (March 28, 2002)
- Pittsfield
Man's Suit Alleges Abuse at Ex-Lenox Seminary, by Jack Dew (March
29, 2002) |
23 |
Graves, Alfred C.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Ordained 1967
- St. Mary's in Orange MA (assistant
- Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Springfield
MA (assistant 1970-76)
- Our Lady of Hope church and school
in Springfield (assistant 1976-77)
- Farren Memorial Hospital in Turners
Falls (chaplain, 1977-81)
- St. Patrick's in Williamstown (pastor
and sole priest 1981-85)
- St. Matthew's church and school in
Springfield (pastor and sole priest 1985-89)
- Our Lady of Hope church and school
in Springfield (pastor 1989-92)
- Absent on Leave (1992-93) [place not specified, but the phone
number provided in the1993 Directory index (413-538-7450)
was the number of the Holyoke office of the diocesan Bureau
for Exceptional Children and Adults, with Rev. Robert Wagner,
dir.; Sr. Joan Magnani, S.S.J., assoc. dir.]
Graves is accused of raping a boy in 1969-71
at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and other places. The boy was 15 years
old when the abuse began. In 1977, Graves was moved abruptly into
a hospital chaplaincy – a move often made because of an allegation
or some other trouble. In 1981, however, Graves was made pastor by
Bishop Maguire. From 1981 to 1992, Graves was the pastor at three
parishes, including two that had schools. In 1992, Bishop Marshall
put Graves on leave, presumably because of another abuse accusation.
The conditions of his leave were tightened in 2002 after Dupre returned
from the Dallas bishops' conference.
- Catholics
Protest near Law's Residence, Demand Resignation, by Ron DePasquale
(February 17, 2002)
- Five
Priests Barred from Parish Work, in Associated Press (July 31,
- Ex-Nun
Named in Sex-Abuse Suit: The former nun accused of sexually abusing
a minor once taught at Mater Dolorosa School in Holyoke, by Stephanie
Barry (December 30, 2004)
- Graves' assignment to Farren Memorial Hospital in 1977 or early
1978 might have been hasty. The index of the 1978 Directory
lists him still at Our Lady of Hope, but the diocesan pages place
him at the hospital.
- Graves is listed as Absent on Leave in the 1994-2002 Directories,
and then is not indexed in the 2003. |
24 |
Huller, E. Karl
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Dead
Priest in Abuse Suit Defended, by Bill Zajac (March 24, 2003)
- Bishop
Supports ‘Just’ Settlement of Abuse Cases, by Kathleen
Mellen (October 2, 2003)
- Accused
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004) |
25 |
J. Roy
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Ordained 1956.
- St. Brigid's in Amherst (assistant
- Our Lady of the Valley in Sheffield,
with missions Immaculate Conception in
Mill River and Our Lady of the Hills
in Monterey (assistant 1957-)
- St. Thomas in Huntington with missions
St. John's in Chester and Our
Lady of the Rosary in Russell |
Jenness is alleged to have abused four
brothers and to have pimped the brothers to other priests for abuse:
Revs. Francis P. Lavelle, Edward M. Kennedy, Ronald E. Wamsher, and
Thomas J. O'Connor. One brother alleges that he was abused by all
the priests, and that Jenness and O'Connor shared him during a night
at Jenness's camp in Huntington. The priests used alcohol, marijuana,
and pornography to further the abuse, which is alleged to have occurred
1967-83. The boys' mother unwittingly facilitated the abuse, and a
Boy Scout leader is alleged to have done so knowingly.
- 4
Brothers File Priest Abuse Suit, by Bill Zajac (December 13, 2003)
Sadly, Jenness's proclivities were known 10 years before the abuse
of the brothers began. He was reported to have engaged in mutual masturbation
with a teenage boy in 1957 at the apartment of Rev. Donald M. Osgood,
an accused Manchester NH priest. At the time, Osgood was chaplain
of Sacred Heart Hospital in Manchester, and his apartment was a gathering
place for abusive behavior. Pornography was used and oral sex was
performed. A Worcester priest discussed the situation with Albert
W. Olkovikas, who wrote a detailed note to the file, labeled "in
strictissima [silentia?]." The Worcester priest met with Olkovikas
at the urging of Msgr. Timothy P. O'Connell, officialis of the Worcester
diocese. This note (see the link below) is also important because
it describes one network of abusers in Manchester and alludes to another
in Boston. It also shows a vigilance regarding the abuse of boys by
priests, although this vigilance apparently didn't stop Jenness from
offending. Note that there is no "Roy Genest" in the Directory
- clearly Roy Jenness is the priest being discussed.
- A.W. Olkovikas, Notes
for File on Worcester Priest's Report on a Group of Abusers, Including
Genest, (September 3, 1958)
- For the entire Osgood file in large PDFs, see {1}
{6}. |
26 |
Kelly, Vernon |
At least one claim included in diocese's
11/08 $4.5M settlement.
- Stobierski
Press Release (December 3, 2008) |
27 |
Kennedy, Edward M.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Catholics
Protest near Law's Residence, Demand Resignation, by Ron DePasquale
(February 17, 2002)
- Five
Priests Barred from Parish Work, in Associated Press (July 31,
- 4
Brothers File Priest Abuse Suit, by Bill Zajac (December 13, 2003)
- Accused
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004) |
28 |
Koonz, John A.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Parish
Is Told of Abuse Probe: 3 Men Accuse Former Dalton Priest of Abuse,
by Scott S. Greenberger (September 16, 2002) |
29 |
Laflamme, Paul
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Diocese
in Denial, by Warren Mason (November 4, 2003) |
30 |
LaMontagne, Gary A.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Westfield
Priest Charged with Rape, Sexual Assault, by Jean Caldwell (April
25, 1992) [about Rev. Gary LaMontagne]
- Statement,
by Bishop John A. Marshall (June 26, 1992)
- Priest
Sentenced in Westfield Case, in Associated Press (November 7,
1992) |
31 |
Landry, Leo P., C.P.S.

- Born 12/11/29
- Ordained 5/31/58
- Sacred Heart in Waltham MA (7/28/58-6/8/59)
- Elm Bank, a Stigmatine Junior Seminary, in Wellesley (pastoral year
- Sault Ste. Marie, Canada
- Sacred Heart in Waltham MA
- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Pittsfield MA (8/60-6/17/61)
- St. Anthony's in Agawam (6/17/61-1/16/62)
- South Porcupine, Canada
- Our Lady of Angels in Woodbridge VA [Richmond diocese]
- Retreat House at Stigmatine provincial house
in Waltham MA
- Timmins, Canada
- St. Ann's in West Springfield MA (6/17/65-8/65)
- Parishes in NH
- Laicized 6/72 |
Landry admitted that he masturbated 4
or 5 boys (age 14 or 15) in Agawam while he was assigned to St. Anthony's
- Priests
Accused in Suits, by Bill Zajac (January 7, 2005) |
32 |
Lavelle, Francis P.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- 4
Brothers File Priest Abuse Suit, by Bill Zajac (December 13, 2003)
- Accused
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004)
- Priests
Accused in Suits, by Bill Zajac (January 7, 2005) |
33 |
Lavigne, Richard R.

- St. Catherine
of Siena in Springfield (assistant 1967-68)
- St. Mary's in Springfield (assistant
- St. Francis in North Adams (assistant
- St. Joseph's in Shelburne Falls with
missions at St. John the Baptist in Colrain
and St. Christopher's in Charlemont (assistant
1977-82; pastor and sole priest 1982-92)
- Absent on leave (1992-2002) |
- Father
Lavigne Pleads Guilty: Priest Evades Jail Term, by Brian Melley
(June 26, 1992)
- Priest
Not Tied to Murder: DNA Tests Don't Point to Lavigne in Croteau Case,
by Trudy Tynan (August 5, 2004) |
34 |
Leary, Timothy J.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Priests
Accused in Suits, by Bill Zajac (January 7, 2005)
- Diocese
Receives Abuse Complaints, by Bill Zajac (January 8, 2005) |
35 |
Malbouef, Ronald
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Former
North Adams Priest Faces Suit Alleging Sex Abuse, by Susan Bush
(March 24, 2003) |
36 |
Martone, James A., Deacon
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Springfield
Bishop Dissolves Fund for Accused Priests, Removes Critic from Board,
by Trudy Tynan (May 12, 2004)
- Priest
Accused of Misconduct, by Bill Zajac (June 2, 2004) |
37 |
McCarthy, Thomas
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Ordained 1951 |
At least one claim included in diocese's
11/08 $4.5M settlement.
- Stobierski
Press Release (December 3, 2008) |
38 |
McNamara, John D.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Ordained 1948 |
At least one claim included in diocese's
11/08 $4.5M settlement.
- Stobierski
Press Release (December 3, 2008) |
39 |
Meehan, Richard F.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Catholics
Protest near Law's Residence, Demand Resignation, by Ron DePasquale
(February 17, 2002)
- Five
Priests Barred from Parish Work, in Associated Press (July 31,
- Bishop's
Records at Issue Again, by Bill Zajac (February 9, 2004)
- Diocese's
Report on Sex Abuse Questioned: DA Considers Action on Springfield
Records, by Kevin Cullen (February 21, 2004)
- Accused
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004) |
40 |
Menge, James P.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Ordained 1962 |
At least one claim included in diocese's
11/08 $4.5M settlement.
- Stobierski
Press Release (December 3, 2008) |
41 |
O'Connor, Thomas J.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- 4
Brothers File Priest Abuse Suit, by Bill Zajac (December 13, 2003) |
42 |
O'Hearn, Richard
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
One man settled with diocese for $75,000
in 11/08 as part of $4.5M settlement. He claimed abuse by O'Hearn
at Our Lady of Mount Carmel church in Pittsfield.
- Some
Clergy Abuse Claimants Demand More from Diocese, by Matt Delucia,
CBS 3 (December 9, 2008) |
43 |
O'Malley, Thomas F.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- 18
Priests Named in Settlement, by Bill Zajac (August 17, 2004) |
44 |
Page, Raymond J.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Deceased 1998. |
Page is accused by his nephew, William
E. Burnett, of abusing him 30 times, beginning in 1950 when the boy
was age 9. Some of the abuse allegedly occurred at Page's cabin in
Holland, in the Springfield diocese. Page was a Springfield priest
1946-50, and then a Worcester diocesan priest after that diocese was
formed in 1950. He became vicar general in 1983. Burnett says Page
introduced him to other abusive priests and two bishops in the Springfield
and Worcester dioceses (Weldon and Harrington respectively). Burnett
is said to have passed two polygraph tests on his allegations, which
were investigated by the Worcester diocese several years ago and deemed
not credible. The Springfield diocese says nothing in its files corroborate
the allegations. Burnett is currently incarcerated in a Texas prison
for an unrelated murder.
- Murderer
Alleges Clergy Sex Abuse, by Bill Zajac (March 31, 2005)
- Inmate
Files Lawsuit against Two Dioceses, by Sharon Roulier and Father
Bill Pomerleau (March 31, 2005) |
45 |
Paquette, Thomas F.

- Ordained 1957
- Assignment
record |
Faculties removed 1978. Allegations in
Fall River MA, IN and VT. 1st VT civil suit settled for $965K in 4/06
just before trial. Named in new suit 3/07. Jury awarded $8.7M to one
plaintiff 5/08. One suit settled 7/08. Another suit tried tomistrial
8/08. 3rd trial 12/08 awarded $3.6M. Laicization announced 5/09. 4th
trial 10/09 awarded $2.2M. 19 of 26 cases settled 5/10 alleged abuse
by Paquette. 3 on appeal also settled.
- Letters
Detail Charges of Abuse by Priest, by Bill Zajac, The Republican
(July 3, 2006)
- Past
Still Haunts Accused Priest, by Bill Zajac, The Republican (February
27, 2005)
- • Verdict:
Jury Awards $8.7 Million to Plaintiff, by Sam Hemingway, Burlington
Free Press (May 13, 2008)
- Jury
Awards $3.6 Million in Abuse Case, Burlington Free Press (12/17/2008)
- Roman
Catholic Diocese of Burlington Settles Abuse Lawsuits for $17.6 Million,
by Sam Hemingway, Burlington Free Press (May 13, 2010) |
46 |
Riley, Leo Thomas

- Biography
from Stigmatine Web site (after October 31, 1995)
- Abuse
Alleged at Wellesley Seminary, by Matt Carroll (August 10, 2002) |
47 |
Russell, John R.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Alleged
Abuse Survivor Works to Promote Healing in the Church, by Rebecca
Drake (May 13, 2005) |
48 |
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
At least one claim included in diocese's
11/08 $4.5M settlement.
- Stobierski
Press Release (December 3, 2008) |
49 |
Scanlon, John
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
At least one claim included in diocese's
11/08 $4.5M settlement.
- Stobierski
Press Release (December 3, 2008) |
50 |
Sipitkowski, James A.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Diocese
Sued by Former Worker: Sexual Harassment by a Catholic Priest Is Alleged
in the Suit Filed by a 10-Year Employee, by Bill Zajac (February
7, 2004) |
51 |
Vidnansky, Mary Jane
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
Accused in 2004 suit of sexually abusing
a boy 1974-76, starting when the boy was age 14 and attending Mater
Dolorosa School in Holyoke. Abuse is alleged to have included intercourse.
Plaintiff said Vidnansky told him she was pregnant by him and that
she had had an abortion. Vidnansky left the Franciscan Sisters of
St. Joseph in the mid-1970s.
- Ex-Nun Named in Sex-Abuse Suit, by Stephanie Barry,
The Republican (December 30, 2004 ) |
52 |
Walsh, James T.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
Walsh is accused of abuse by William E.
Burnett, who says he was molested by his uncle Msgr. Raymond J. Page,
and that Page introduced him to other abusive priests and two bishops
in the Springfield and Worcester dioceses. Burnett is said to have
passed two polygraph tests on his allegations, which were investigated
by the Worcester diocese "several years ago" and deemed
not credible. Burnett is currently incarcerated in a Texas prison
for an unrelated murder.
- Murderer
Alleges Clergy Sex Abuse, by Bill Zajac (March 31, 2005)
- Inmate
Files Lawsuit against Two Dioceses, by Sharon Roulier and Father
Bill Pomerleau (March 31, 2005) |
53 |
Wamsher, Ronald E.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- 4
Brothers File Priest Abuse Suit, by Bill Zajac (December 13, 2003)
- Accused
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004) |
54 |
Welch, David P.
Please send
us a photo of this priest. |
- Bishop's
Records at Issue Again, by Bill Zajac (February 9, 2004)
- Diocese's
Report on Sex Abuse Questioned: DA Considers Action on Springfield
Records, by Kevin Cullen (February 21, 2004)
- Accused
Clergy Had Influential Posts, by Stephanie Barry (March 1, 2004) |
55 |
Weldon, Christopher J.

- Born 9/6/05
- Ordained 9/21/29
- New York archdiocese, Executive Director of Catholic Charities
- St. Patrick's Cathedral (one of several monsignors, -1950)
- Bishop of Springfield (3/24/50-10/15/77)
- Resigned (10/15/77)
- Died |
Bishop Weldon is accused of abuse by William
E. Burnett, who says he was molested by his uncle Msgr. Raymond J.
Page, and that Page introduced him to other abusive priests and also
to Weldon and Worcester bishop Harrington. Weldon allegedly abused
Burnett three times at St. Michael's Cathedral when Burnett was between
the ages of 10 and 16. Burnett is said to have passed two polygraph
tests on his allegations, which were investigated by the Worcester
diocese "several years ago" and deemed not credible. The
Springfield diocese says nothing in its files corroborate the allegations.
Burnett is currently in a Texas prison for an unrelated murder.
- Murderer
Alleges Clergy Sex Abuse, by Bill Zajac (March 31, 2005)
- Inmate
Files Lawsuit against Two Dioceses, by Sharon Roulier and Father
Bill Pomerleau (March 31, 2005) |
Note: This table is a
work in progress. We aim to list every priest who has been publicly accused,
and we list priests only if the accusation against them has been reported
in the media or is accessible in publicly filed court documents or investigative
files. We do not make allegations; we only re-report them. We make no
representation regarding the truth or accuracy of the allegations that
we document, and we remind our readers that accused persons are considered
innocent in a court of law until proven guilty. We also aim to post any
evidence against an accusation and news of various "exonerations,"
but we remind our readers that exonerations by hand-picked diocesan Review
Boards or by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are not acquittals
in a court of law.
We welcome suggestions
for making this record more complete. Some assignment records are drawn
from media reports, while others we built ourselves from the Official
Catholic Directory. They too are works in progress. We aim to make
them completely accurate, but we are limited by nature of the Official
Catholic Directory. It does not report start and stop dates, and
it sometimes misrepresents the whereabouts of a priest. It also reports
once a year in the spring, after data are gathered in the fall and winter
of the the previous year. Brief appointments between reporting periods
are not reflected in the Directory.
On July 27, 2004, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ordered
these files opened, after prolonged litigation that pitted The Republican
newspaper and attorney John Stobierski against Richard R. Lavigne and
Hampden County District Attorney William M. Bennett. The court's decision
ended a 1996 impoundment order. We post the investigative files in easy-to-download
sections (the numbers are the page numbers stamped on the released file,
which was redacted to keep witnesses' names confidential). For background
see Court
Opens Croteau Murder Files, by Bill Zajac (July 27, 2004).
Judge Moriarty denies on 9/29/93 Lavigne's motion for return of his
blood sample. |
Motions and orders relating to impoundment and return of the blood
sample to Lavigne. |
Complaint sheet: Murder crime scene and early investigation. |
The 1972 autopsy report and 1992 grand jury findings on Shelbourne
molestations 1987-88 and 1983-85. |
Moriarty denial continued. |
Motions relating to a stay on delivering the blood sample to Bennett. |
Brief victims' statements. |
Papers terminating Lavigne's employment as an assistant recreation
leader in 1958 because he was an "undesirable person to be around
children. Also a 1992 list (redacted) of Lavigne's victims. |
Moriarty denial continued. |
Memorandum and order from Judge Moriarty, filed 9/25/93, in which
he continues impoundment and explains his reasons. |
1992 grand jury findings on Shelbourne molestations 1987-88 and 1983-85. |
Report of postmortem exam, including blood alcohol level. |
Moriarty denial concluded. Search warrant for Lavigne's blood issued
by Judge Moriarty on 9/2/93. Motion dated 9/7/93 by DA Bennett to
impound the application for search warrant, with Moriarty's note allowing
the motion. |
Moriarty's 9/25/93 memorandum and order concuded. |
One Lavigne victim's account of abuse 1986-90, beginning when the
boy was age 13, and incuding abuse during trips to the Grand Canyon,
Pennsylvania, French Canada, and California. |
Affidavit dated 5/13/93 of James A. Coleman and copies of pages from
his 1970 book The Circle, a tough neighborhood roman à
clef in which Lavigne is "Father Ravine," a hip priest who
"likes the kids so much, there must be something wrong with him." |
Lavigne motion for hearing on returning his blood sample and denying
Bennett's motion for its release to the Commonwealth. Bennett's 9/24/93
memo supporting motion to release the blood sample. |
Trooper Daly's 9/2/93 application for a search warrant to draw Lavigne's
blood, with a supporting affidavit. |
Account continued. |
Excerpts from a government publication Child Molesters: A Behavioral
Analysis. |
Bennett's 9/24/93 motion continued. |
Daly's 9/2/93 affidavit continued. |
Account concluded. |
A 1972 forensic examination of materials at the murder scene and a
1993 forensic examination including DNA analysis. |
Bennett's 9/24/93 motion concluded. |
Daly's 9/2/93 affidavit continued. |
Other victims' accounts, including another account of the abuse described
on pp. 174-95. |
The 1993 DNA analysis concluded. |
Lavigne's 9/9/93 memo supporting his motion for return of his blood
sample. |
Daly's 9/2/93 affidavit concluded. |
Victims' accounts continued, including arrest of Lavigne and report
of abuse to Auxiliary Bishop Leo O'Neil. |
Motions, orders, and affidavits relating to the DNA test of the blood
sample. |
Lavigne's 9/9/93 memo continued. |
Victims' accounts continued, including behavior of "Dickie Lavigne"
as seminarian and his later abuse of two six-year-old boys. |
DNA test affidavit and order. Pages pulled from Judge Moriarity's
9/29/93 order and replaced with redacted pages. |
Lavigne's 9/9/93 memo continued. |
Victims' accounts continued, including abuse in houses belonging to
Lavigne's parents and friends; abuse of boys asleep and drunk; and
abuse reported to Bishop O'Neil. |
Lavigne's 9/9/93 memo concluded. Motion dated 9/29/93 by Bennett to
continue to impound the application for search warrant, with Moriarty's
note allowing the motion. Lavigne's 9/30/93 motion to continue the
9/29/93 stay on delivering the blood sample to Bennett. |
Victims' accounts concluded, including abuse on a camping trip with
Danny Croteau and a police interview with Vice Chancellor Thrasher,
who shared rectories with Lavigne. |
Batch 1: 001-088
Batch 2: 089-146 |
Batch 3: 147-235 |
Batch 4: 236-242 |
* Deposition of Fr. James J. Scahill - Direct
Examination Cross Examination
. In the direct examination, Scahill quotes Dupre as saying, "Fortunately
for us, before his retirement Bishop Weldon destroyed many personal and
personnel records."
* Bishop Thomas Dupre's Statement
Regarding His Own September 2003 Deposition
* Maurice E. DeMontigny's 2003 affidavit
stating that priests working with Lavigne in the early 1970s, including
the future Bishop O'Neil, were aware of abuse by Lavigne and closeness
with boys. Montigny also states that Bishop Weldon was informed in the
early 1990s.
* Springfield diocesan
Web site.
* Web site of the Catholic
Observer, the diocesan newspaper.
* Web site of The
Republican, which has covered the Springfield crisis aggressively
and went to court to obtain the release of the Croteau investigative files.
* The Republican's Church
in Crisis page, source of the Croteau investigative documents (see
above) and an interesting table of diocesan
real estate holdings.
Please send suggestions for adding documents to staff@bishop-accountability.org.