In February 1997, the Indianapolis Star published
a series of articles about the Diocese of Lafayette, Indiana, describing
sexual abuse by priests and the administrative methods of Bishop
William Higi and his vicar general, Robert Sell (see photos at left).
These two men still lead the Lafayette diocese, and one of the offending
priests whom they managed, Ron Voss, is currently working in Haiti.
These articles were scanned by the staff at BishopAccountability.org.
February 16, 1997
* Faith
Betrayed, by Linda Graham Caleca and Richard D. Walton [Msgr. Sego
and Revs. Voss, Bohlinger, and Wieber]
* Trusting
Young Victims, All Easy Prey, by Richard D. Wagon and Linda Graham
Caleca [victims of Msgr. Sego and Revs. Voss and Bohlinger]
* Sins of the
Fathers (February 16, 1997) [thumbnail sketches of 16 priests]
* Chicago
Archdiocese Broke Mold with Open Investigation, by Judith Cebula
* Confessions:
A Glimpse into the Minds of Priests Who Preyed, by Linda Graham Caleca
and Richard D. Walton [Msgr. Sego and Rev. Bohlinger]
* About This
* Where to Get
February 17, 1997
* The
Bishop's Justice, by Linda Graham Caleca and Richard D. Walton [dividing
minor victims into child and teenage categories]
* Bishop's
Words Reveal Struggle over Friends Who Abused [Higi and Sell discuss
Voss and Sego]
February 18, 1997
* Abuse of
the Collar, by Richard D. Walton and Linda Graham Caleca [Revs. Moran
and Mahalic and seminarians]
* Seminaries
Work to Make Celibacy Pledge Practical, by Judith Cebula [St. Meinrad
School of Theology in the Indianapolis archdiocese]
February 20, 1997
* Bishop
Will Look to Chicago Archdiocese for Help, by Will Higgins
March 2, 1997
* Priest
Series Stirs Protest, Praise, Calls for Action, by Linda Graham Caleca
and Richard D. Walton
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